Groupon to Home Ride

October 5, 2012

I decided to ride my bike home from work today. Ended up taking about 2.5 hours, and covered 27 miles, most of it on the Bay Trail and Guadalupe River Trail.

<a href="" title="Ride from Groupon to Home by thenobot, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="478" alt="Ride from Groupon to Home"></a>

Next time I'll probably knock 30 minutes off since I'll do less backtracking. It wasn't a simple point-A to point-B kind of ride -- there are a few tricky parts where the trail will dead-end or go to an undercrossing filled with water. But I managed to get home before dark!

<a href="" title="Ride from Groupon to Home by thenobot, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="478" alt="Ride from Groupon to Home"></a>


Cut that original time in half.
